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Friday, August 1, 2014

Nymi Smart Wristbands: Use Heart Rate As Password

Are you tired of entering password and signature confirmation after each payment. From now on, we dont need all of these cumbersome process. Canada company Bionym recently launched a smart wristband named Nymi. The built-in biometric technology can identify the wearer's heart rate as a password to complete the payment process.
Nymi Smart Wristbands
Nymi Smart Wristbands
Bionym founder Karl Martin introduced Nymi smart wristband. He said: At present, there are many human biological signs of password authentication methods, such as iris, fingerprint and facial recognition technology. However, these technology maybe being copied, only the human heart rate is accompanied by human body, the human body can not be separated. It can be said that Nymi smart wristband will always know who you are.

With this Nymi smart wristband, when a user wants to authenticate, he can say goodbye to password and fingerprint recognition, just direct his arm on it. It will change the way people communicate between and verification techniques.

When a user first worn Nymi, he need to download a smartphone application to determine the identity and set the password service range. Whenever a user adds a new service, Nymi will automatically generate a new password. Of course, users can add at any time and revoke the service.

When users add multiple services at Nymi smart wristband, he can switch these service through simple gestures. Currently Nymi has integrated some practical applications. For example, Bank of America has developed a payment program for Nymi, which means that users can use the Bank of America credit card at the time of payment by Nymi. Or, suppose the user has allergies to peanut and other food , he can enter information into Nymi smart wristband. Once the user encounters an allergen alone, Nymi smart wristbands can make quick respond, sned ambulance user's personal medical history information.

Allergy just a rather extreme example of course happen, but really prove that Nymi smart wristbands are so different. Theoretically, Nymi can even be used as a boarding certification or lifting smartphone security lock. Karl Martin said that the possibility of Nymi smart wristbands is unlimited in future.

It should be noted that the users need not to worry about their privacy will be compromised from Nymi smart wristbands, information on Nymi are all encrypted. Karl Martin explained, once you start using Nymi, only it knows who you are, in addition no one will know who you are. It also means that Bionym companies and even government agencies are not able to obtain your personal information, unless the users allows.

Referring to the current technical Nymi smart wristbands, Karl Martin said: Anyone can view the program on this technology. Unlike other technologies confidentiality, instead we want to accept the people's inspection.

Nymi smart wristbands is expected to be put on the market this year, $ 79 price at this stage. At present, Bionym company is also actively with some brand shops, retailers, airlines and suppliers to have cooperation, specific partners to be announced next year.


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